CSS Glassmorphism Techniques

1 exchange

Enhancing Fibonacci with Web Frameworks

3 exchanges
So we have this command line program @fibonacci.py but I want to make this way cooler. 

To start, lets make it display as a simple web app. What do you suggest we use? Flask or FastAPI? Or something else, what are the best packages to display webapps with Python that are not streamlit?
So we have this command line program @fibonacci.py but I want to make this way cooler. 

Let's use Flask to build a web app that can display this
I always want to use poetry to install packages

Creating ASCII Art Fibonacci Spiral

8 exchanges
Cool, now i want to allow the program to build an ascii art spiral, let's use this example code to help us do that

mport time
from typing import Generator

def fibonacci_generator() -> Generator[int, None, None]:
    """Generates Fibonacci numbers infinitely."""
    a, b = 0, 1
    while True:
        yield a
        a, b = b, a + b

def create_spiral(size: int, char: str = "★") -> list[list[str]]:
    """Creates a grid for the spiral."""
    return [[" " for _ in range(size)] for _ in range(size)]

def draw_line(grid: list[list[str]], x: int, y: int, length: int, 
              direction: str, char: str = "★") -> tuple[int, int]:
    """Draws a line in the specified direction and returns new position."""
    for i in range(length):
        if 0 <= x < len(grid) and 0 <= y < len(grid):
            grid[y][x] = char
        if direction == "right":
            x += 1
        elif direction == "down":
            y += 1
        elif direction == "left":
            x -= 1
        elif direction == "up":
            y -= 1
    return x, y

def create_fibonacci_spiral(n: int) -> None:
    """Creates and displays a growing Fibonacci spiral."""
    fib_gen = fibonacci_generator()
    size = 40  # Grid size
    grid = create_spiral(size)
    x, y = size // 2, size // 2  # Start at center
    # Direction sequence for spiral
    directions = ["right", "down", "left", "up"]
    dir_idx = 0
    # Generate and draw the spiral
    for _ in range(n):
        length = next(fib_gen)
        if length > 0:  # Skip drawing for zero
            x, y = draw_line(grid, x, y, length, directions[dir_idx])
            dir_idx = (dir_idx + 1) % 4
        # Clear screen (works in Unix-like systems)
        # Display the current state
        print(f"Fibonacci Number: {length}")
        print("Fibonacci Spiral:")
        print("+" + "-" * (size) + "+")
        for row in grid:
            print("|" + "".join(row) + "|")
        print("+" + "-" * (size) + "+")
        time.sleep(0.5)  # Pause to show growth

if __name__ == "__main__":
    create_fibonacci_spiral(15)  # Generate first 15 Fibonacci numbers
What can you think of to make this even cooler?
The rainbow colors don't show, let's improve that

Large numbers (e.g. 50) don't seem to generate the ascii art very quickly, how can we improve this?
Lets add a git repo to this project and gitignore file
Let's handle the return display of large numbers better in the interface. How could we make that more comprehensible?
What is this input box supposed to do?

Make those a dropdown

Fixing Grid Logic for Character Choices

15 exchanges
Different choices than star tends to break our grid

Let's fix the logic that computes this so no matter spiral chracater is chosen the grid looks good and the spacing doesn't break
That didn't work, lets make sure we're thorough in checking our logic and that this behaves like it did previously to ensure that the spiral character results in a very nice grid regardless of what is chosen 
The spiral implementation is messed up now. Lets re-evaluate our algorithm and make it work 
How is the spiral algorithm supposed to work with very large terms?
Let's make our spiral algorithm much bettrer. I want the spiral to grow large and be in charge. I want our algo to be rock solid, so solid it surprises itself. 
Explain what the spiral actually represents? It doesn't seem to match with my terms
OK this is good generally BUT we need to make it determistic it feels stochastic. For example, 5 is displaying 6 characters. 
I don't think our grid is large enough to display the full beauty of our spiral
Are there template updates you need to make?
Lets adjust the size of the gird dynamically depending on what type of spiral is generated to make it trim so that its easier to see the spiral without as much scrolling
Lets make the input interface much cleaner, smaller input boxes, better buttons, etc
Good but lets enhance it further so it looks super profresh
Some of the styling could be even more profesh. but i like where we're going
Big terms like 50 tend to hang my app. Is there any further performance optimizations you can do just on the algorithm generation because I want to preserve all the functionality of my app right now
Update our @README.md  to reflect all of the changes we've made that are all stored in @history